Dallas Central Appraisal District
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State law provides that the District may designate a person that is authorized to receive email or faxed requests for open records.If that designation is made, the Open Records Act is only activated if the request is directed to the assigned individual.The DCAD Director of Administration has been designated as the public information officer authorized to receive emailed and faxed requests for open records.
The District is under no obligation to create a document to satisfy a request or to comply with a standing request for information.The information will be released only in accordance with the Public Information Act, which may require a determination as to confidentiality by the Texas Attorney General prior to release.
  >      Complete list of charges associated with Open Records Requests
  >      Open Records Request Form (Printable PDF form) (Every effort will be made to email responsive documents; however, if a file is too large, documents must be mailed or picked up.)
NOTE: All information that you submit with a public information request is subject to public disclosure as allowed under the Texas Public Information Act.
For more information about submitting an Open Records Request:
FAQs, Click on this link for helpful information.
***************************************************************************************************************** To place an open records request, you may choose from one of the following options:
1. Click the link below to email an Open Records Request:
       A written request should include a mailing address, phone number or other means to contact you
       regarding your request.NOTE: every effort will be made to email responsive documents; however, if a file is too large, documents must be mailed or picked up.
       Clearly identify the property for which you would like to request documents:
              > Example, DCAD Account Number; or
              > Physical Address
              > If requesting data, clearly identify the data and data fields you are requesting.
       Identify the specific documents you would like to request.
              If you request "all documents" the District will contact you to clarify the specific documents
              as this is considered a broad request and requires clarification.
       Identify the specific year(s) for which you would like documents
2. You may hand deliver or mail a completed request to (you may use the above printable pdf form):
       Dallas Central Appraisal District
       Public Information Officer
       2949 N. Stemmons Freeway
       Dallas TX 75247
Return in person: to the above address, Customer Service Division
3. You may fax a request to:
       Fax# 214-634-2518
NOTE The District is not required to answer questions or conduct legal research but provide documents in response to requests. If you have questions, you should contact the appropriate DCAD Division to obtain information in response to your questions.
Standard size page, pages 8.5 x 11 $0.10 per page
over 50 pages $0.10/pg + $15/hr Labor + 20% Overhead
CD $1.00/each
Programming $28.50/hr + 20% Overhead
Postage Actual Charges
Note: Visit the DCAD Data Products page for DCAD data that is available free of charge
If your request exceeds $40.00 the DCAD will provide you with a Cost Estimate prior to producing documents.

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All Rights Reserved.